

刊名Journal of Field Robotics

Journal of Robotic Systems机器人系统杂志2002~2006


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

2018, vol.35, no.1 2018, vol.35, no.2 2018, vol.35, no.3 2018, vol.35, no.4 2018, vol.35, no.5 2018, vol.35, no.6
2018, vol.35, no.7 2018, vol.35, no.8

Channel invariant online visibility enhancement for visual SLAM in a turbid environmentCho Younggun; Kim Ayoung20182018, vol.35, no.7
Forestry crane posture estimation with a two‐dimensional laser scannerHyyti Heikki; Lehtola Ville V.; Visala Arto20182018, vol.35, no.7
High‐precision control of tracked field robots in the presence of unknown traction coefficientsKayacan Erkan; Young Sierra N.; Peschel Joshua M.; Chowdhary Girish20182018, vol.35, no.7
Underwater confined space mapping by resource‐constrained autonomous vehiclePreston Victoria; Salum?e Taavi; Kruusmaa Maarja20182018, vol.35, no.7
Weaver: Hexapod robot for autonomous navigation on unstructured terrainBjelonic Marko; Kottege Navinda; Homberger Timon; Borges Paulo; Beckerle Philipp; Chli Margarita20182018, vol.35, no.7
Registration of three‐dimensional scanning LiDAR sensors: An evaluation of model‐based and model‐free methodsD’Adamo Timothy Andrew; Phillips Tyson Govan; McAree Peter Ross20182018, vol.35, no.7
Information‐driven robotic sampling in the coastal oceanFossum Trygve Olav; Eidsvik Jo; Ellingsen Ingrid; Alver Morten Omholt; Johnsen Geir; Mendes Renato; Ludvigsen Martin; Rajan Kanna; Fragoso Glaucia Moreira20182018, vol.35, no.7
Design and field testing of a rover with an actively articulated suspension system in a Mars analog terrainCordes Florian; Kirchner Frank; Babu Ajish20182018, vol.35, no.7
Issue Information 20182018, vol.35, no.7