

刊名Materials Performance


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007

1998, no.1sup 1998, vol.37, no.1 1998, vol.37, no.10 1998, vol.37, no.11 1998, vol.37, no.12 1998, vol.37, no.2
1998, vol.37, no.3 1998, vol.37, no.4 1998, vol.37, no.5 1998, vol.37, no.6 1998, vol.37, no.7 1998, vol.37, no.8
1998, vol.37, no.9

Cathodic protection criteria for prestressed concrete pipe -- An updateS. C. Hall19981998, vol.37, no.11
Corrosion protection of munitions using metal arc spray technologyD. H. Neale; D. Ellicks19981998, vol.37, no.11
Costing considerations for maintenance and new construction coating workM. P. Reina; K. R. Shields; M. F. MeLampy19981998, vol.37, no.11
Effect of chlorine on common materials in fresh waterA. H. Tuthill; R. E. Avery; S. Lamb; G. Kobrin19981998, vol.37, no.11
Erosion - corrosion of copper tube systems by domestic watersJ. R. Myers; A. Cohen19981998, vol.37, no.11
Failure investigation of a potable water main pipelineV. S. Raja19981998, vol.37, no.11
Silica scale controlJ. S. Gill19981998, vol.37, no.11
Well water causes copper pipe pittingR. A. Corbett19981998, vol.37, no.11