



1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

1998, vol.53, no.1 1998, vol.53, no.2 1998, vol.53, no.3 1998, vol.53, no.3sup 1998, vol.53, no.4 1998, vol.53, no.5
1998, vol.53, no.6

Adaptation of the labour budget to climatic areasSpiess, Barbara; Auernhammer, Hermann19981998, vol.53, no.1
Advice for building permits for alternate use of farmsteads in outskirt areasGrahlmann, Gerd19981998, vol.53, no.1
Ascertaining odour and trace gas emissions from a dairy cow houseBrose, Gregor; Hartung, Eberhard; Jungbluth, Thomas19981998, vol.53, no.1
Biogas plants in Baden-Wurttemberg- evaluationOechsner, Hans; Weckenmann, Dieter; Buchenau, Carsten19981998, vol.53, no.1
Buildings in undeveloped outside areas- what has changed?Schliepkorte, Jorg19981998, vol.53, no.1
Computer-aided quality management in big marketing facilities for potatoesWormanns, Gerhard19981998, vol.53, no.1
Covering materials for pig slurry storage containers testedWanka, Ute; Hornig, Gunter; Fleischer, Peter19981998, vol.53, no.1
Economic aspects of on-farm processing of rape seed oil as fuelBorkermann, Ralf19981998, vol.53, no.1
Emissions from ammonia and nitrous oxide- influence of slurry application techniquesSchurer, Elke; Reitz, Petra19981998, vol.53, no.1
Energetical comparison of biodiesel from used vegetable oils with other fuels for diesel enginesAnggrani, Ananta A.; Krause, Rudiger; Lohrlein, Hans Peter19981998, vol.53, no.1