

刊名Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007

2001, vol.38, no.1 2001, vol.38, no.10 2001, vol.38, no.11 2001, vol.38, no.12 2001, vol.38, no.2 2001, vol.38, no.3
2001, vol.38, no.4 2001, vol.38, no.5 2001, vol.38, no.6 2001, vol.38, no.7 2001, vol.38, no.8 2001, vol.38, no.9

Measurement of neutron-production double-differential cross sections for intermediate energy pion incident reactionYousuke Iwamoto; Nobuhiro Shigyo; Hirohiko Kitsuki; Hideki Tenzou; Shunsuke Ishimoto; Keisuke Maehata; Kenji Ishibashi; Tatsuhi Nakamoto; Masaharu Numajiri; Shin-ichiro Meigo; Hiroshi Takada20012001, vol.38, no.6
Assessment of 232{sup left}Th nuclear data through analysis of thorium-loaded critical experiments in thermal-neutron systems using the Kyoto university critical assemblyHironobu Unesaki; keiji Kobayashi; Seiji Shiroya20012001, vol.38, no.6
Prediction of the equilibrium two-phase flow distributions in inter-connected subchannel systemsHiroshi Shirai; Hisashi Ninokata20012001, vol.38, no.6
Bast estimated method to determine energy redistribution factor for LOCA analysisTaeyoung Choi; Chan Oh Park; Man Seok Do; Chang Kue Lee20012001, vol.38, no.6
Analysis of the void distribution in a circular tube with the two-fluid particle interaction methodNoriyuki Shirakawa; Hideki Horie; Yuichi Yamamoto; Shigeaki Tsunoyama20012001, vol.38, no.6
Integrity confirmation test and post-irradiation test plan of the HTTR first-lading fuelKazuhiro Sawa; Junya Sumita; Shouhei Ueta; Shuichi Suzuki; Tsutomu Tobita; Takashi Saito; Kazuo Minato; Toshio Koya Hajime Sekino20012001, vol.38, no.6
Prediction of fuel performance and fission gas release behavior during normal operation of the high temperature engineering test reactor by JAERI and FZJ modeling approachKazuhiro Sawa; Shouhei Ueta; Junya Sumita; Karl Verfondern20012001, vol.38, no.6
The effect of oxide microstructure on kinetic transition in out-of-pile steam corrosion test for zircaloy-2 and Nb-added zircaloy-2Shuichi Nanikawa; Yoshinori Etoh20012001, vol.38, no.6
Calculations of reduced partition function ratios of hydrated monoborate anion by the ab initio molecular orbital theoryTakao Oi; Satoshi Yanase20012001, vol.38, no.6
Modelling of the extraction of uranium with supercritical carbon dioxideAnthony A. Clifford; Shuang Zhu; Neil G. Smart; Yuehe Lin; Chien M. Wai; Zenko Yoshida; Yoshihiro Meguro Shuichi Iso20012001, vol.38, no.6