

刊名Stochastics and dynamics


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2020 2021 2022 2023

Uniform large deviations of fractional stochastic equations with polynomial drift on unbounded domainsWang Bixiang20232023, vol.23, no.6
Gaussian structure in coalescing stochastic flowsDorogovtsev A. A.; Hlyniana K. V.20232023, vol.23, no.6
The asymptotic behavior of solutions for stochastic evolution equations with pantograph delayLiu Yarong; Wang Yejuan; Caraballo Tomas20232023, vol.23, no.6
Functional equations for the stochastic exponentialChikvinidze Besik; Mania Michael; Tevzadze Revaz20232023, vol.23, no.6
Quenched limit theorems for expanding on average cocyclesDragi?evi? Davor; Sedro Julien20232023, vol.23, no.6
Results on approximate controllability for fractional stochastic delay differential systems of order r∈(1,2)Dineshkumar C.; Vijayakumar V.; Udhayakumar R.; Nisar Kottakkaran Sooppy; Shukla Anurag20232023, vol.23, no.6
First-order linear Marcus SPDEsHartmann Lena-Susanne; Pavlyukevich Ilya20232023, vol.23, no.6
Continuity in law for solutions of SPDES with space-time homogeneous Gaussian noiseBalan Raluca M.; Liang Xiao20232023, vol.23, no.6
Central exponents of linear stochastic differential-algebraic equations of index 1The Nguyen Thi20232023, vol.23, no.5
Uniqueness and statistical properties of the Gibbs state on general one-dimensional lattice systems with Markovian structureVargas Victor20232023, vol.23, no.5