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2021, vol.214 2021, vol.215 2021, vol.216 2021, vol.217 2021, vol.218 2021, vol.219
2021, vol.220 2021, vol.221 2021, vol.222 2021, vol.223 2021, vol.224 2021, vol.225
2021, vol.226 2021, vol.227 2021, vol.228 2021, vol.229 2021, vol.230 2021, vol.231

Sensitivity analysis of hybrid methods for the flow around the ahmed body with application to passive control with rounded edgesDelassaux, Francois; Mortazavi, Iraj; Itam, Emmanuelle; Herbert, Vincent; Ribes, Charles20212021, vol.214
A mesh adaptation strategy for complex wall-modeled turbomachinery LESOdier, Nicolas; Thacker, Adrien; Harnieh, Mael; Staffelbach, Gabriel; Gicquel, Laurent; Duchaine, Florent; Rosa, Nicolas Garcia; Mueller, Jens-Dominik20212021, vol.214
Multiresolution classification of turbulence features in image data through machine learningPulido, Jesus; da Silva, Ricardo Dutra; Livescu, Daniel; Hamann, Bernd20212021, vol.214
Overnight industrial LES for external aerodynamicsLohner, Rainald; Othmer, Carsten; Mrosek, M.; Figueroa, Alejandro; Degro, Atis20212021, vol.214
Data-driven robust state estimation for reduced-order models of 2D boussinesq equations with parametric uncertaintiesBenosman, Mouhacine; Borggaard, Jeff20212021, vol.214
A local correlation-based zero-equation transition modelSandhu, Jatinder Pal Singh; Ghosh, Santanu20212021, vol.214
Some properties of the Runge-Kutta-Legendre super-time-stepping explicit methodsDawes, A. S.20212021, vol.214
A dual mesh finite domain method for steady-state convection-diffusion problemsReddy, J. N.; Martinez, Matthew20212021, vol.214
Turbulence in realistic geometries with moving boundaries: When simulations meet experimentsCappanera, L.; Debue, P.; Faller, H.; Kuzzay, D.; Saw, E-W; Nore, C.; Guermond, J-L; Daviaud, F.; Wiertel-Gasquet, C.; Dubrulle, B.20212021, vol.214
Embedding data analytics and CFD into the digital twin conceptMolinaro, Roberto; Singh, Joel-Steven; Catsoulis, Sotiris; Narayanan, Chidambaram; Lakehal, Djamel20212021, vol.214