

刊名Journal of Electronic Testing


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2020, vol.36, no.1 2020, vol.36, no.2 2020, vol.36, no.3 2020, vol.36, no.4 2020, vol.36, no.5 2020, vol.36, no.6

Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Analog Circuit Using Improved Unscented Particle FilterRathnapriya, S.; Manikandan, V.20202020, vol.36, no.2
A Novel Approach of Data Content Zeroization Under Memory AttacksSrivastava, Ankush; Ghosh, Prokash20202020, vol.36, no.2
Comparing the Impact of Power Supply Voltage on CMOS- and FinFET-Based SRAMs in the Presence of Resistive DefectsCopetti, T.; Balen, T. R.; Brum, E.; Aquistapace, C.; Bolzani Poehls, L.20202020, vol.36, no.2
Soft Error Hardened Asymmetric 10T SRAM Cell for Aerospace ApplicationsShah, Ambika Prasad; Vishvakarma, Santosh Kumar; Huebner, Michael20202020, vol.36, no.2
Design and Optimization Methodology of Coplanar Waveguide Test Structures for Dielectric Characterization of Thin FilmsGe, Jinqun; Xia, Tian; Wang, Guoan20202020, vol.36, no.2
An Efficient Algorithm for Optimizing the Test Path of Digital Microfluidic BiochipsHuang, Xijun; Xu, Chuanpei; Zhang, Long20202020, vol.36, no.2
Investigations on the Use of Ensemble Methods for Specification-Oriented Indirect Test of RF CircuitsEl Badawi, H.; Azais, Florence; Bernard, S.; Comte, M.; Kerzerho, V; Lefevre, F.20202020, vol.36, no.2
Speed-Up in Test Methods Using Probabilistic Merit IndicatorsFooladi, Mahtab; Kamran, Arezoo20202020, vol.36, no.2
Co-Optimization of Test Wrapper Length and TSV for TSV Based 3D SOCsKaibartta, Tanusree; Biswas, G. P.; Das, Debesh Kumar20202020, vol.36, no.2
Automated Bug Resistant Test Intent with Register Header Database for Optimized VerificationSharma, Gaurav; Bhargava, Lava; Kumar, Vinod20202020, vol.36, no.2