

刊名Journal of Electronic Testing


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2014, vol.30, no.1 2014, vol.30, no.2 2014, vol.30, no.3 2014, vol.30, no.4 2014, vol.30, no.5 2014, vol.30, no.6

Verilog HDL Simulator Technology: A SurveyTze Sin Tan; Bakhtiar Affendi Rosdi20142014, vol.30, no.3
Benefits of Partitioning in a Projection-based and Realizable Model-order Reduction FlowPekka Miettinen; Mikko Honkala; Janne Roos; Martti Valtonen20142014, vol.30, no.3
Learning-oriented Property Decomposition for Automated Generation of Directed TestsMingsong Chen; Xiaoke Qin; Prabhat Mishra20142014, vol.30, no.3
GPUs Neutron Sensitivity Dependence on Data TypeP. Rech; C. Frost; L. Carro20142014, vol.30, no.3
Increasing the Fault Coverage of Processor Devices during the Operational Phase Functional TestM. de Carvalho; P. Bernardi; E. Sanchez; M. Sonza Reorda; O. Ballan20142014, vol.30, no.3
Low-Power Scan Testing: A Scan Chain Partitioning and Scan Hold Based TechniqueEfi Arvaniti; Yiorgos Tsiatouhas20142014, vol.30, no.3
A Novel Approach for Analog Circuit Fault Prognostics Based on Improved RVMChaolong Zhang; Yigang He; Lifen Yuan; Fangming Deng20142014, vol.30, no.3
Modeling of Physical Defects in PN Junction Based Graphene DevicesSandeep Miryala; Matheus Oleiro; Leticia Maria Bolzani Pohls; Andrea Calimera; Enrico Macii; Massimo Poncino20142014, vol.30, no.3
Research on the Efficiency Improvement of Design for Testability Using Test Point AllocationGuohua Wang; Qiang Li; Xiaomei Chen; Xiaofeng Meng20142014, vol.30, no.3
The Effect of Temperature-Induced Quiescent Operating Point Shift on Single-Event Transient Sensitivity in Analog/Mixed-Signal CircuitsYi Ren; Li Chen20142014, vol.30, no.3