

文集名Segmentation of the Aorta. Towards the Automatic Segmentation, Modeling, and Meshing of the Aortic Vessel Tree from Multicenter Acquisition
会议名1st Segmentation of the Aorta Challenge (SEG.A. 2023), Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2023
会议日期October 8, 2023
会议地点Vancouver, BC, Canada

M3F: Multi-Field-of-View Feature Fusion Network for Aortic Vessel Tree Segmentation in CT AngiographyYunsu Byeon; Hyeseong Kim; Kyungwon Kim; Doohyun Park; Euijoon Choi; Dosik Hwang2024
Aorta Segmentation from 3D CT in MICCAI SEG.A. 2023 ChallengeAndriy Myronenko; Dong Yang; Yufan He; Daguang Xu2024
A Data-Centric Approach for Segmenting the Aortic Vessel Tree: A Solution to SEG.A. Challenge 2023 Segmentation TaskAyman El-Ghotni; Mohamed Nabil; Hossam El-Kady; Ahmed Ayyad; Amr Nasr2024
Automatic Aorta Segmentation with Heavily Augmented, High-Resolution 3-D ResUNet: Contribution to the SEG.A ChallengeMarek Wodzinski; Henning Muller2024
Position-Encoded Pixel-to-Prototype Contrastive Learning for Aortic Vessel Tree SegmentationHyeongyu Kim; Yejee Shin; Dosik Hwang2024
Misclassification Loss for Segmentation of the Aortic Vessel TreeAbbas Khan; Muhammad Asad; Alexander Zolotarev; Caroline Roney; Anthony Mathur; Martin Benning; Gregory Slabaugh2024
Deep Learning-Based Segmentation and Mesh Reconstruction of the Aortic Vessel Tree from CTA ImagesTheodoros Panagiotis Vagenas; Konstantinos Georgas; George K. Matsopoulos2024
RASNet: U-Net-Based Robust Aortic Segmentation Network for Multicenter DatasetsJihan Zhang; Zhen Zhang; Liqin Huang2024
Optimizing Aortic Segmentation with an Innovative Quality Assessment: The Role of Global Sensitivity AnalysisGian Marco Melito; Antonio Pepe; Alireza Jafarinia; Thomas Krispel; Jan Egger2024
A Mini Guide on Mesh Generation of Blood Vessels for CFD ApplicationsDomagoj Bosnjak; Thomas-Peter Fries2024
Aortic Segmentations and Their Possible Clinical BenefitsChristian Mayer; Melanie Arnreiter; Barbara Karner; Sophie Hossain; Hannes Deutschmann; Daniel Zimpfer; Heinrich Machler2024