

刊名Science Robotics


2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

2019, vol.4, no.26 2019, vol.4, no.27 2019, vol.4, no.28 2019, vol.4, no.29 2019, vol.4, no.30 2019, vol.4, no.31
2019, vol.4, no.32 2019, vol.4, no.33 2019, vol.4, no.34 2019, vol.4, no.35 2019, vol.4, no.36 2019, vol.4, no.37

Millimeter-scale flexible robots with programmable three-dimensional magnetization and motionsXu, Tianqi; Zhang, Jiachen; Salehizadeh, Mohammad; Onaizah, Onaizah; Diller, Eric20192019, vol.4, no.29
Ergodicity reveals assistance and learning from physical human-robot interactionFitzsimons, Kathleen; Acosta, Ana Maria; Dewald, Julius P. A.; Murphey, Todd D.20192019, vol.4, no.29
Programming soft robots with flexible mechanical metamaterialsRafsanjani, Ahmad; Bertoldi, Katia; Studart, Andre R.20192019, vol.4, no.29
Autonomous robotic intracardiac catheter navigation using haptic visionFagogenis, G.; Mencattelli, M.; Machaidze, Z.; Rosa, B.; Price, K.; Wu, F.; Weixler, V; Saeed, M.; Mayer, J. E.; Dupont, P. E.20192019, vol.4, no.29
Catalytic antimicrobial robots for biofilm eradicationHwang, Geelsu; Paula, Amauri J.; Hunter, Elizabeth E.; Liu, Yuan; Babeer, Alaa; Karabucak, Bekir; Stebe, Kathleen; Kumar, Vijay; Steager, Edward; Koo, Hyun20192019, vol.4, no.29
Dynamic DNA material with emergent locomotion behavior powered by artificial metabolismHamada, Shogo; Yancey, Kenneth Gene; Pardo, Yehudah; Gan, Mingzhe; Vanatta, Max; An, Duo; Hu, Yue; Derrien, Thomas L.; Ruiz, Roanna; Liu, Peifeng; Sabin, Jenny; Luo, Dan20192019, vol.4, no.29