

刊名Industry and innovation


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
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2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

2013, vol.20, no.1 2013, vol.20, no.2 2013, vol.20, no.3 2013, vol.20, no.4 2013, vol.20, no.5 2013, vol.20, no.6
2013, vol.20, no.7 2013, vol.20, no.8

Academic Patenting in Europe: A Reassessment of Evidence and Research PracticesFRANCESCO LISSONI20132013, vol.20, no.5
Academic Inventions Outside the University: Investigating Patent Ownership in the UKCORNELIA LAWSON20132013, vol.20, no.5
University Autonomy, the Professor Privilege and Academic Patenting: Italy, 1996-2007FRANCESCO LISSONI; MICHELE PEZZONI; BIANCA POTI; SANDRA ROMAGNOSI20132013, vol.20, no.5
When Do Universities Own Their Patents? An Explorative Study of Patent Characteristics and Organizational Determinants in GermanyANJA SCHOEN; GUIDO BUENSTORF20132013, vol.20, no.5
Academic Inventors, Scientific Impact and the Institutionalisation of Pasteur's Quadrant in SpainCATALINA MARTINEZ; JOAQUIN M. AZAGRA-CARO; STEPHANE MARAUT20132013, vol.20, no.5
The Impact of Academic Technology: Do Modes of Involvement Matter? The Flemish CaseJULIE CALLAERT; MARIETTE DU PLESSIS; BART VAN LOOY; KOENRAAD DEBACKERE20132013, vol.20, no.5
Academic Inventors, Technological Profiles and Patent Value: An Analysis of Academic Patents Owned by Swedish-Based FirmsDANIEL LJUNGBERG; EVANGELOS BOURELOS; MAUREEN MCKELVEY20132013, vol.20, no.5
What Determines University Patent Commercialization? Empirical Evidence on the Role of IPR OwnershipPAOLA GIURI; FEDERICO MUNARI; MARTINA PASQUINI20132013, vol.20, no.5