

刊名Stochastic Analysis and Applications


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
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2020 2021 2022

2012, vol.30, no.1 2012, vol.30, no.2 2012, vol.30, no.3 2012, vol.30, no.4 2012, vol.30, no.5 2012, vol.30, no.6

On a Customer-Induced Interruption in a Service SystemVARGHESE JACOB; SRINIVAS R. CHAKRAVARTHY; A. KRISHNAMOORTHY20122012, vol.30, no.6
Numerical Analysis of the Stochastic Moving Boundary ProblemKUNWOO KIM; RICHARD B. SOWERS20122012, vol.30, no.6
Maximum Principle for Risk-Sensitive Stochastic Optimal Control Problem and Applications to FinanceJINGTAO SHI; ZHEN WU20122012, vol.30, no.6
A Note on a Result of Liptser-ShiryaevBENEDETTA FERRARIO20122012, vol.30, no.6
A Class of Affine Processes Arising as Fluctuation Limits of Super-Brownian Motion in a Super-Brownian Catalytic MediumJUAN-MANUEL PEREZ-ABARCA; DONALD A. DAWSON20122012, vol.30, no.6
Brownian Processes for Monte Carlo Integration on Compact Lie GroupsS. SAID; J. H. MANTON20122012, vol.30, no.6
A BSDE Approach to Convex Risk Measures for Derivative SecuritiesROBERT J. ELLIOTT; TAK KUEN SIU20122012, vol.30, no.6
Viscosity Solution of Optimal Stopping Problem for Stochastic Systems with Bounded MemoryMOU-HSIUNG CHANG; TAO PANG; MOUSTAPHA PEMY20122012, vol.30, no.6