

刊名Theoretical Computer Science


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

2010, vol.411, no.1 2010, vol.411, no.10 2010, vol.411, no.11/13 2010, vol.411, no.14/15 2010, vol.411, no.16/18 2010, vol.411, no.19
2010, vol.411, no.2 2010, vol.411, no.20 2010, vol.411, no.21 2010, vol.411, no.22/24 2010, vol.411, no.25 2010, vol.411, no.26/28
2010, vol.411, no.29/30 2010, vol.411, no.3 2010, vol.411, no.31/33 2010, vol.411, no.34/36 2010, vol.411, no.37 2010, vol.411, no.4/5
2010, vol.411, no.40/42 2010, vol.411, no.43 2010, vol.411, no.44/46 2010, vol.411, no.47 2010, vol.411, no.48 2010, vol.411, no.49
2010, vol.411, no.50 2010, vol.411, no.51/52 2010, vol.411, no.6 2010, vol.411, no.7/9

Productivity of stream definitionsJorg Endrullis; Clemens Grabmayer; Dimitri Hendriks; Ariya Isihara; Jan Willem Klop20102010, vol.411, no.4/5
Factorization forests for infinite words and applications to countable scattered linear orderingsThomas Colcombet20102010, vol.411, no.4/5
Some complexity results for prefix Grobner bases in free monoid ringsAndrea Sattler-Klein20102010, vol.411, no.4/5
On the complexity of kingsEdith Hemaspaandra; Lane A. Hemaspaandra; Till Tantau; Osamu Watanabe20102010, vol.411, no.4/5
Notions of hyperbolicity in monoidsMichael Hoffmann; Richard M. Thomas20102010, vol.411, no.4/5
Real-time reversible iterative arraysMartin Kutrib; Andreas Malcher20102010, vol.411, no.4/5
On blockwise symmetric signatures for matchgatesJin-Yi Cai; Pinyan Lu20102010, vol.411, no.4/5
Extended strings and graphs for simple gene assemblyRobert Brijder; Miika Langille; Ion Petre20102010, vol.411, no.4/5
On notions of regularity for data languagesHenrik Bjorklund; Thomas Schwentick20102010, vol.411, no.4/5
Complexity issues in color-preserving graph embeddingsGaelle Brevier; Romeo Rizzi; Stephane Vialette20102010, vol.411, no.4/5