

刊名Theoretical Computer Science


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

2008, vol.390, no.1 2008, vol.390, no.2-3 2008, vol.391, no.1-2 2008, vol.391, no.3 2008, vol.392, no.1-3 2008, vol.393, no.1-3
2008, vol.394, no.1-2 2008, vol.394, no.3 2008, vol.395, no.1 2008, vol.395, no.2-3 2008, vol.396, no.1-3 2008, vol.397, no.1-3
2008, vol.398, no.1-3 2008, vol.399, no.1-2 2008, vol.399, no.3 2008, vol.400, no.1-3 2008, vol.401, no.1-3 2008, vol.402, no.1
2008, vol.402, no.2-3 2008, vol.403, no.1 2008, vol.403, no.2-3 2008, vol.404, no.1-2 2008, vol.404, no.3 2008, vol.405, no.1-2
2008, vol.405, no.3 2008, vol.406, no.1-2 2008, vol.406, no.3 2008, vol.407, no.1-3 2008, vol.408, no.1 2008, vol.408, no.2-3
2008, vol.409, no.1 2008, vol.409, no.2 2008, vol.409, no.3

Apartness, compactness and nearnessDouglas Bridges; Hajime Ishihara; Peter M. Schuster; Luminita Vita20082008, vol.405, no.1-2
Finitary formal topologies and Stone's representation theoremFrancesco Ciraulo; Giovanni Sambin20082008, vol.405, no.1-2
Finite relational structure models of topological spaces and mapsK. A. Hardie; P. J. Witbooi20082008, vol.405, no.1-2
On computational environments of topological spacesFangping Huang; Jihua Liang20082008, vol.405, no.1-2
Modeling time and topology for animation and visualization with examples on parametric geometryK. E. Jordan; Lance E. Miller; E. L. F. Moore; T. J. Peters; Alexander Russell20082008, vol.405, no.1-2
Computational complexity of determining which statements about causality hold in different space-time modelsVladik Kreinovich; Olga Kosheleva20082008, vol.405, no.1-2
Static space-times naturally lead to quasi-pseudometricsHans-Peter A. Kunzi; Vladik Kreinovich20082008, vol.405, no.1-2
Metric spaces and FS-domainsJimmie D. Lawson20082008, vol.405, no.1-2
Topology in information theory in topologyKeye Martin20082008, vol.405, no.1-2
Enriched categories and models for spaces of evolving statesTimothy Porter20082008, vol.405, no.1-2