

刊名Industrial and Corporate Change


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
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2006, vol.15, no.1 2006, vol.15, no.2 2006, vol.15, no.3 2006, vol.15, no.4 2006, vol.15, no.5 2006, vol.15, no.6

How organizational structures in science shape spin-off firms: the biochemistry departments of Berkeley, Stanford, and UCSF and the birth of the biotech industrySimcha Jong20062006, vol.15, no.2
Why tense, unstable, and diverse relations are inherent in co-designing with suppliers: an aerospace case studyAlan O'Sullivan20062006, vol.15, no.2
Technological pre-adaptation, speciation, and emergence of new technologies: how Corning invented and developed fiber opticsGino Cattani20062006, vol.15, no.2
Schumpeter, Winter, and the sources of noveltyMarkus C. Becker; Thorbjorn Knudsen; James G. March20062006, vol.15, no.2
Small worlds evolving: governance reforms, privatizations, and ownership networks in ItalyRaffaele Corrado; Maurizio Zollo20062006, vol.15, no.2
What the Folk Theorem doesn't tell usRobert Gibbons20062006, vol.15, no.2
Neo-Schumpeterian and other theories of the firm: a comment and personal retrospectiveRoy Radner20062006, vol.15, no.2
What's different is routineMichael D. Cohen20062006, vol.15, no.2
The Neo-Schumpeterian theory of the firm and the strategy fieldDaniel Levinthal20062006, vol.15, no.2
Understanding complex organization: the role of know-how, internal structure, and human behavior in the evolution of capabilitiesMie Augier; David J. Teece20062006, vol.15, no.2