

刊名Hart's E&P

E & P哈氏石油勘探与生产2005~2020
Petroleum Engineer International哈氏石油勘探与生产2003~2003


1998 1999 2003 2004 2005

2004, no.10sup 2004, no.12sup2 2004, no.12sup3 2004, no.1sup1 2004, no.2sup1 2004, no.2sup2
2004, no.3sup2 2004, no.4sup 2004, no.6sup 2004, no.8sup1 2004, no.8sup2 2004, no.9sup
2004, vol.77, no.1 2004, vol.77, no.10 2004, vol.77, no.11 2004, vol.77, no.12 2004, vol.77, no.2 2004, vol.77, no.3
2004, vol.77, no.4 2004, vol.77, no.5 2004, vol.77, no.6 2004, vol.77, no.7 2004, vol.77, no.8 2004, vol.77, no.9

Technology must meet people needsKeith Womer20042004, vol.77, no.10
Intelligence strategy breeds success: A company that learns more and gives away less critical information retains a competitive advantageKeith Millheim20042004, vol.77, no.10
Fiber rope revolutionizes lifting - Synthetic rope is now a regular challenger to chain and wire for deep mooring applicationsBarbara McGrath Costain; Sam Bull20042004, vol.77, no.10
Polarizing Chavez remains in power - What Hugo Chavez's apparent victor means to the political situation in general, and for the oil industry in particular, in VenezuelaEmma Campos-Redman; Nick Panes20042004, vol.77, no.10
Threading a way towards tighter boltsJohn Bradbury20042004, vol.77, no.10
Technology vs. the tax collectorDICK GHISELIN20042004, vol.77, no.10
Data processing: coming of ageBill Pike20042004, vol.77, no.10
Advancing the VSP envelopeLes Nutt; Henry Menkiti; Bill Underhill20042004, vol.77, no.10
A new vision of the subsurfaceMike Gill20042004, vol.77, no.10
How to manage wellhead stressDICK GHISELIN20042004, vol.77, no.10