

刊名Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management & Business Excellence全面质量管理与商务优势2003~2024


1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

2003, vol.14, no.1 2003, vol.14, no.2 2003, vol.14, no.3 2003, vol.14, no.4 2003, vol.14, no.6

The pursuit of sustainable business excellence: guiding transformation for effective organizational changeKostas N. Dervitsiotis20032003, vol.14, no.3
Sustaining healthcare excellence through performance measurementGopal K. Kanji; Patricia Moura E. Sa20032003, vol.14, no.3
The variable nature of services: an empirical examination of trust and its effects on customers' satisfaction responses to poor and good serviceMagnus Soderlund; Claes-Robert Julander20032003, vol.14, no.3
Quality management in banking services: an approach to employee and customer perceptionsFco Javier Llorens Montes; Maria Del Mar Fuentes Fuentes; Luis Miguel Molina Fernandez20032003, vol.14, no.3
Total-costs based evaluation system of supplier quality performanceChee-Cheng Chen; Ching-Chow Yang20032003, vol.14, no.3
Confidence intervals in repeatability and reproducibility using the bootstrap methodFu-Kwun Wang; Eldon Y. Li20032003, vol.14, no.3
Using the six-sigma metric to measure and improve the performance of a supply chainTirthankar Dasgupta20032003, vol.14, no.3
Self-assessment application and learning in organizations: a special reference to the ontological dimensionF. Balbastre; M. Moreno-Luzon20032003, vol.14, no.3