



1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2007 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
2014 2015 2016

1998, vol.53, no.1 1998, vol.53, no.10 1998, vol.53, no.11 1998, vol.53, no.12 1998, vol.53, no.2 1998, vol.53, no.4
1998, vol.53, no.5 1998, vol.53, no.6 1998, vol.53, no.7 1998, vol.53, no.8 1998, vol.53, no.9

Approaches for application of various fuels in fuel cell power plantsT. Motohiro; K. Nobuyuki; W. Katsuya19981998, vol.53, no.8
BHP-M46F high-power induction heating cookerM. Katsuharu; T. Hitoshi; S.Kenji19981998, vol.53, no.8
Completion of large helical device for national institute for fusion scienceK. Toshiya; T. Hirohisa; S. Fusao; M. Osamu19981998, vol.53, no.8
Concurrent engineering framework for plant electrical engineeringY. Shigeru; T. Setsuo; M. Yoshinori19981998, vol.53, no.8
ECJ{sub}TM event delivery framework in Java, for JavaE. Atsuko; K. Hiroshi; M. Takayuki19981998, vol.53, no.8
Emergency stability control system for large-capacity interconnected power systemN. Yasutaro; H. Akira; T. Kotaro; H. Emi19981998, vol.53, no.8
Enhanced network computing-seamless integration of control network and information networkK. Fumio; K. Yuichi; H. Tetsuo19981998, vol.53, no.8
Field assistance system for power utility field tasksK. Masashi; Y. Takahiro; S. Hun'ichi; T. Kazuhiro19981998, vol.53, no.8
Illumination optics for liquid crystal projectorsH. Yoshinori; M. Hisayuki; T. Yuzuru19981998, vol.53, no.8
Network integrated supervisory control for power system based on distributed objectsS. Tomomichi; S. Toshibumi; T. Tatsuji; W. Hadime19981998, vol.53, no.8